Kingston Primary School

Year 5 

These resources have been created to support home learning for any children/families who have to isolate/quarantine due to COVID-19. These resources are designed to continue the learning process while your child is away from school. In addition to all the uploaded resources, remember your child can access the following online platforms:


Sumdog – maths

TTRockstars – times tables

Spelling Shed - spellings

Oak Academy Trust – lots of great online resources for all age groups – lots of great online resources for all age groups

BBC Bitesize Lessons - Click here

Year 5 Reading Resources

 Y5 Therapy R2e. Explains how punctuation and sentence construction is used to enhance meaning.pptxDownload
 Y5 R3a Retrieves key details and some quotations from the text Test 3.docxDownload
 Y5 R3b Identify explicit details from the text, showing exactly where in the text they found the information Test 3.docxDownload
 Y5 R3e Can identify the text type according to key features Test 3.docxDownload
 Y5 Therapy R3b. Identify explicit details from the text, showing exactly where in the text they found the information.pptxDownload
 Y5 R4d Can prove or disprove simple statements about a character by finding evidence in a text Test 3.docxDownload
 Y5 R4f Can empathise with a character's motives and behaviours Test 3.docxDownload
 Y5 Therapy R4c. Can summarise the main points from a whole text.pptxDownload
 Y5 R5a Explains clearly how vocabulary choices affect meaning in a range of text types Test 3.docxDownload
 Y5 R5b Recognises a range of descriptive devices including figurative language Test 3.docxDownload
Showing 11-20 of 21

Year 5 Maths Resources

 Y5 Therapy Test 1 M3c.docxDownload
 Y5 M4a Can compare and order fractions whose denominators are multiples of the same number final version.pptxDownload
 Y5 M4b. Can identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually.pptxDownload
 Y5 M4h. Can read and write decimal numbers as fractions.pptxDownload
 Y5 M4a. Test 1 Can compare and order fractions whose denominators are multiples of the same number.docxDownload
 Y5 M4b. Test 1 Can identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction, represented visually.docxDownload
 Y5 M4h. Priority therapy test 1.docxDownload
 Y5 M5a. Can convert between different units of metric measures, using place value.pptxDownload
 Y5 M5d Can measure and calculate the area of a rectangle, including a square.pptxDownload
 Y5 M5h Can solve problems involving converting units of time.pptxDownload
Showing 11-20 of 31

White Rose Maths Resources

Showing 11-14 of 14

Year 5 Writing Resources

 Y5 W3e skills test 3 - commas for lists.docxDownload
 W4a. Can identify the audience, context and purpose for writing - Test 2.docxDownload
 W4a. Can identify the audience, context and purpose for writing.pptxDownload
 W4e. Includes sufficient detail to engage the reader Test 3.docxDownload
 Y5 Therapy W4e. Includes sufficient detail to engage the reader.pptxDownload
 Y5 therapy W5d. Balances a range of description, dialogue and action to explain a narrative.pptxDownload
 Y5 W5d skills test 3 - balancing description, dialogue and action.docxDownload
 Y5 W7a skills test 3 - editing for grammar.docxDownload
 PiXL Primary English - Recognising Word Classes GraspIt.pptxDownload
 PiXL Primary English - Recognising Word Classes KnowIt.pptxDownload
Showing 11-20 of 20

Year 5 Grammar Resources

 Grammar and Punctuation Quiz Answers Y5 Test 5.docxDownload
 Grammar and Punctuation Quiz Answers Y5 Test 6.docxDownload
Showing 11-12 of 12

Year 5 Science Resources

Showing 1-7 of 7