Kingston Primary School


These resources have been created to support home learning for any children/families who have to isolate/quarantine due to COVID-19. These resources are designed to continue the learning process while your child is away from school. In addition to all the uploaded resources, remember your child can access the following online platforms:


Sumdog – maths

TTRockstars – times tables

Spelling Shed - spellings

Oak Academy Trust – lots of great online resources for all age groups – lots of great online resources for all age groups

BBC Bitesize Lessons - Click here

Year 4 Reading Resources

 Year 3-4 reading extract and questions - Five children and it.docxDownload
 Year 3-4 reading extract and questions - Son of the sea.docxDownload
 Year 3-4 reading extract and questions - The Water Cycle.docxDownload
 Year 3-4 Reading extract and questions - Tourist Information.docxDownload
 Year 3-4 Reading extract and questions - Victorian Academy.docxDownload
 Y4 R1d. Recognises similarities and differences between texts structured in different ways Test 3.docxDownload
 Year 4 Reading Therapy R1d.pptxDownload
 Y4 R2e. Uses a range of punctuation to add meaning to what they are reading Test 3.docxDownload
 Year 4 Reading Therapy R2e.pptxDownload
 Y4 R3b Identify explicit details from the text, showing the section of the text they found the information Test 3.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 17

Year 4 Maths Resources

 Y4 M3a Can recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 3, 4 and 8 times tables.pptDownload
 Y4 M3b Can recall and use multiplication and division facts for all the times tables.pptxDownload
 Y4 M3d Can multiply 2-digit and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers using short multiplication.pptDownload
 Y4 M3b Therapy Test 1.docxDownload
 Y4 Therapy Test 1 M3a.docxDownload
 Y4 Therapy Test 1 M3d.docxDownload
 Y4 M4a. Can order fractions, numbers and measures on a number line and recognise simple equivalence.pptxDownload
 Y4 M4b. Can show equivalent fractions using diagrams such as a fraction wall or a grid of squares.pptxDownload
 Y4 M4e. Can find increasingly harder fractions of a set of objects e.g. 1_3, 1_6, 1_8 and non-unit fractions where the answer.pptxDownload
 Y4 M5a. Can convert between metric units of length.pptxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 18

White Rose Maths Resources

Showing 1-10 of 15

Year 4 Writing Resources

 Newspaper recounts Vocabulary Mat - yrs 3-4.pptxDownload
 Y 4 Editing Package Capital Letters Prove me Wrong. Task 1.docxDownload
 Y 4 Editing Package Full stops Prove me Wrong. Task 1.docxDownload
 Y3-4 Editing Package 2. Editing for meaning. Prove me Wrong. Task 3.docxDownload
 Y3-4 Editing Package 3. Secretarial editing. Prove me Wrong. Task 3.docxDownload
 Y4 therapy W1c. Can generate multiple feasible ideas from a stimulus.pptxDownload
 Y4 W1c skills test 3 - generating ideas.docxDownload
 W3a Can (nearly always) use full stops, capital letters, exclamation marks and question marks accurately Test 3.docxDownload
 W3h Can indicate possession by using the possessive apostrophe with plural nouns Test 3.docxDownload
 Y4 therapy W3c. Inverted commas are nearly always in the correct place for simple speech.pptxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 17

Year 4 Grammar Resources

 GPS Recall Cards - Grammar (8 per page).pdfDownload
 GPS Recall Cards - Punctuation (x8).pdfDownload
 Y4 GPS quiz 5.docxDownload
 Y4 GPS quiz 6.docxDownload
 Y4 Progress Tests Quiz 1.docxDownload
 Y4 Progress Tests Quiz 2.docxDownload
 Y4 Progress Tests Quiz 3.docxDownload
 Subject vocabulary tests - Character.pptxDownload
 Subject vocabulary tests - Science.pptxDownload
 Y4 GPS quiz 5 ANSWERS.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 11

Year 4 Science Resources

 Year 4 Science Show me Tasks for Home Learning March 2020.pptxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1