Kingston Primary School

Year 3 

These resources have been created to support home learning for any children/families who have to isolate/quarantine due to COVID-19. These resources are designed to continue the learning process while your child is away from school. In addition to all the uploaded resources, remember your child can access the following online platforms:


Sumdog – maths

TTRockstars – times tables

Spelling Shed - spellings

Oak Academy Trust – lots of great online resources for all age groups – lots of great online resources for all age groups

BBC Bitesize Lessons - Click here

Year 3 Reading Resources

 Y3 R1f. Can use a dictionary to check the meaning of words they have read - Test 1.docDownload
 Y3 R2f. Can recognise and read a range of prefixes and use these to construct the meaning of words in context - Test 1.docxDownload
 Y3 R2h Can recognise an increasing range of punctuation Test 1.docxDownload
 Y3 R3a. Shows understanding of main points with reference to the text (who, what, where, when, how, why) - Test 1.docxDownload
 Y3 R3c Can identify, select and highlight key words in a sentence to answer recall questions Test 1.docxDownload
 Y3 R3g Can identify the key features of different texts types Test 1.docxDownload
 Y3 R4c. Can summarise the main points from a passage or a text - Test 1.docxDownload
 Y3 R4d Can make inferences about characters' actions in a story based upon evidence from the text Test 1.docxDownload
 Y3 R4d Can make inferences about characters' actions in a story based upon evidence from the text.pptxDownload
 Y3 R5a. Can discuss word meanings, linking new meanings to those they already know - Test 1.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 20

Year 3 Maths Resources

 Mathematics Quick-fire recall cards teacher guidance.docxDownload
 Mathematics Recall Cards - Set 1 Fractions (A4).pdfDownload
 Mathematics Recall Cards - Set 1 Fractions (x8).pdfDownload
 Mathematics Recall Cards - Set 1 Geometry (A4).pdfDownload
 Mathematics Recall Cards - Set 1 Geometry (x8).pdfDownload
 Mathematics Recall Cards - Set 1 Measures (x8).pdfDownload
 Mathematics Recall Cards - Set 1 Numbers (A4).pdfDownload
 Mathematics Recall Cards - Set 1 Numbers (x8).pdfDownload
 Mathematics Recall Cards - Set 1 Statistics (A4).pdfDownload
 Mathematics Recall Cards - Set 1 Statistics (x8).pdfDownload
Showing 1-10 of 43

White Rose Maths Resources

Showing 1-10 of 11

Year 3 Writing Resources

 Formal letters Vocabulary Mat - yrs 3-4.pptxDownload
 PiXL Primary English - Writing Using Dialgoue - KnowIt.pdfDownload
 PiXL Primary English - Writing Using Dialogue - GraspIt.pdfDownload
 W2c. Can use precisely chosen adjectives to describe people, objects and settings e.g. glittering diamond - test 1.docxDownload
 W2g. Can use simple similes e.g. It was as yellow as the sun - test 1.docxDownload
 W3d Can use commas accurately to separate items in a list Test 1.docxDownload
 W3f Can indicate possession by using the possessive apostrophe for singular nouns Test 1.docxDownload
 W4d. Some detail in writing adds interest, humour, suspense or surprise - test 1.docxDownload
 Y3 Editing Package Capital Letters Prove me Wrong. Task 1.docxDownload
 Y3 Editing Package Full stops Prove me Wrong. Task 1.docxDownload
Showing 1-10 of 19

Year 3 Grammar Resources

 GPS Recall Cards - Grammar (8 per page).pdfDownload
 GPS Recall Cards - Punctuation (x8).pdfDownload
 Y3 GPS quiz 5 ANSWERS.docxDownload
 Y3 GPS quiz 5.docxDownload
 Y3 GPS quiz 6 ANSWERS.docxDownload
 Y3 GPS quiz 6.docxDownload
 Y3 Progress Tests Quiz 1.docxDownload
 Y3 Progress Tests Quiz 2.docxDownload
 Y3 Progress Tests Quiz 3.docxDownload
Showing 1-9 of 9

Year 3 Science Resources

 Year 3 Science Show me Tasks for Home Learning.pptxDownload
Showing 1-1 of 1